Haruo Inoue 【Persian influence on Hindustani music】
Division of On-Site Education
Kensuke Yamamoto 【The Present Condition of Palestinian Resistance: An Examination through the Renovation Movement in the Old City of al-Khalil (Hebron)】
Division of On-Site EducationDivision of Output Training
Yuri Imura 【Water Use and Irrigation Systems in Arid Regions of Central Asia -A Case Study of a Village in Tashkent, Uzbekistan-】
Division of On-Site Education
Nyein Chan 【My observations of forest-dwelling communities for their development】
Division of On-Site Education
Sarama Tsunoda 【The State of Community and Environment Change through Observing Housing Architecture ―The Case of Pemba Island―】
Division of On-Site Education
Shizuka Asada 【A New Alternative Cooking Fuel from Food Residue in Urban Uganda】
Division of On-Site Education
Yuki Yoshida 【Benefits and Determinants of Rice-Duck Farming in Northeast Thailand : Case study on irrigated areas in Khon Kaen Province 】
Division of On-Site Education
Keitarou Sekiguchi 【Changes in livelihoods among the San living in settlement areas in Botswana】
Division of On-Site EducationDivision of Output Training
Samuel Tefera Alemu 【Land enclosures for changing livelihood: An adaptive strategy for environmental and institutional changes among the Hamer
Division of Output Training
Natsumi Mitarai 【The Identity of French-Speaking Blacks in the Context of Other Areas】